Member Application 2024 Support materials to complete application: 2024 Member Participation Hours Requirements 2024 Participation Activities List SECC Certifications SECC Template Letter Requesting for Inclusion 2024 SECC Spreadsheet Member Yearly Campaign Application Step 1 of 4 – Documents to Upload 0% Organization Name*Please give your organization name or acronym Section I: Checklist of EarthShare NC Required MaterialsIn this first section you will upload all documents that EarthShare NC needs to confirm your Membership and to submit applications on your behalf to the various giving campaigns we participate in. Please read all instructions carefully as they are different depending on the document.Does your organization have a NC Solicitation License that will be current on March 15th 2024?**** If you answer NO, you must submit your NC Solicitation License via email to prior to February 15th, 2024. Yes No Renewal Under Review by the State NC Solicitation License UploadPlease upload a copy of your NC Solicitation license that will be current as of March 15th 2024.Max. file size: 50 MB.Upload: List of Current Board Members**List must include addresses and end date of each member’s term.Max. file size: 50 MB.Upload: Annual Audit (No earlier than 6/30/22)Audit is a requirement of the local municipal campaigns we manage. To participate in any of those campaigns you will need to submit an audit. The State Campaign does not require an audit and it is also not required by EarthShare NC for MembershipMax. file size: 50 MB.Upload: IRS 990 Form SIGNED by Director of the organization*PLEASE READ ALL NOTES: *990 must use the accrual basis of accounting. ALL schedules and attachments MUST be included. If you submitted your 990 electronically o the IRS you MUST sign the 990 on the first page or include the signed Electronic Submission Form. **Signatures by CPA or outside accountant will not be accpeted. ***Submitting the 990EZ form will not be accepted Drop files here or Select files Max. file size: 50 MB. Next Page Focus and RequirementsThe next page of the application focuses on specific campaigns. To complete this page you will need all documents related to the State Employee’s Combined Campaign (SECC) and the Mecklenburg County Giving Campaign (See application packet) Section II: Specific Campaign NeedsBelow are requests for information and documents related to the various campaigns that EarthShare NC can apply to on behalf of MembersName as you want it to appear in the NC SECC (and other campaigns)This must be a legally registered name or DBA Enter the total Administrative Expenses per the 990 you are submitting*Admin Expenses are calculated as follows: [Mgmt and General Expenses + Fundraising Expenses] – This information can be found in the “Functional Expenses” section on page 10 of your 990. The total line at the bottom for columns C & DTotal Revenue (Restricted and Unrestricted) from submitted 990*Thisis found on line 12 of page one of your 990FRA %*Upload a brief letter explaining your FRA % being over 25%Provide a brief letter that explains the reasons for your elevated FRA %. Drop files here or Select files Max. file size: 50 MB, Max. files: 1. Upload: Completed and signed SECC Campaign Certifications document*Max. file size: 50 MB.Upload: SECC Board Letter Requesting Inclusion in Campaign**Letter must be signed by a Board Member that is a part of the Board List you already submitted. Be sure to edit the template appropriately to you organizationMax. file size: 50 MB.Upload: 2024 SECC Spreadsheet*Fill out blank spreadsheet provided with the application packetMax. file size: 50 MB.Website Do you plan to participate in the Mecklenburg County Giving Campaign?*Eligibility for the Mecklenburg County Giving Campaign requires a physical office address in Mecklenburg or demonstrated impact to the County and its residents Yes, I want to participate in the Mecklenburg Campaign No, I do not want to participate in the Mecklenburg Campaign Do you have a physical address in Mecklenburg County?Physical Address can be any staffed address (NO PO Boxes). It does not need to be a main office or headquarters for your organization Yes, my organization has an address in Mecklenburg No, we do not, but we provide services that impact that county and/or residents there Upload documentation of programs and services that benefit Mecklenburg County and/or its residentsPlease provide a list and brief description of any programs benefitting Mecklenburg. Including any statistics on impact will help support your application.Max. file size: 50 MB.Do you want to participate in the City of Durham or City of Raleigh campaigns?Criteria for participation: **City of Durham** – Organization must impact Durham County and/or its citizens. **City of Raleigh** – Organization must impact Raleigh or Wake County citizens Select All I want to be included in the City of Durham Campaign I want to be included in the City of Raleigh Campaign Permanent File – Now on EarthShare NC WebsiteYour Permanent File with us consists of the following documents: ** Federal and NC tax exempt letters ** ** 25 Word Description ** **Board Approved policy of non-discrimination based on race, religion, sex, age, nation of origin, or physical and mental ability for employment, board membership and client services ** ** Mission Statement ** ** Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws ** An updates to these files must now be submitted through the EarthShare NC website Member login. For more information, email brian@earthsharenc.orgNext Page Focus and RequirementsThe next page of the application is Part I of the member participation portion of the application. On this page you will need to upload your promotional slide, logo, photos of your work, videos if applicable, and enter any quantitative and qualitative data related to your work Section III: Member ParticipationThis section covers all aspects of Member Participation including the Annual Participation Plan, Hours Report and information that EarthShare NC will use throughout the year to promote your organization and connect you with engagement opportunities. Marketing & Communications Contact NameThis person will receive monthly emails to share content we can use to highlight your organization’s impact throughout the year. If you do not list a contact here, the primary contact name will be emailed instead. First Last Marketing & Communications Contact Email Enter Email Confirm Email Upload: Photos of Your Work*Please submit two high quality photos that EarthShare NC may use to promote your work and the work of all our members in year round marketing materials. Please include photographer attribution in the file name of the image, if applicable. ***Please submit photos in the box below*** Drop files here or Select files Accepted file types: jpg, png, Max. file size: 50 MB. Impact Statements*What FACTS and FIGURES best quantify the impact of your work this year? Provide 3 brief statements below that tell us WHAT you’ve been doing recently and how your MEASURE your impact. Please include quantitative data, or short stories of impact as appropriate. We will use these statements to update our website, social media, and campaign materials. The more we know, the better we can represent you!Measuring ImpactTo assist with demonstrating collective impact, if applicable, please provide an estimate of the metrics below that are relevant to your work over time. If you do not have a rough estimate, but do work in the area, simply answer with “1”. Number of Acres PreservedNumber of Youth EducatedNumber of People engaged in Water, Air, or other MonitoringNumber of Voters RegisteredNumber of People Advocating for PolicyNumber of Trails BuiltOther MeasureInclude another area of significant impact if it was not listed above. Please give the metric and the number for each What can $26, $52, $104, OR $520 do for your organization?In a few sentences describe what impact any (or all) of the amounts above would have for your organization, its goals, and fulfilling its mission. (OPTIONAL)Upload Video with highlights of your work and missionPlease share a link to an uploaded video that highlights your work and mission Next Page Focus and RequirementsFinal page of application: Includes upload of your 2023 Member Participation Tracking Template and submission of any content or information related to your participation hour activities Participation Requirements Affiliates earn the share of undesignated funds through completion of the Participation Requirements. Participation Requirements are detailed in the Participation Policy (located on Dropbox: “Information for Board and Members” folder, Participation subfolder.) • Prepare and submit annual campaign applications and required materials. Applications and materials must be complete and on time per EarthShare NC deadlines. (30%) • Track and report Additional Hours. (10%) Complete Additional Hours Requirement (60%) Participation Hours ReportCompletion guarantees the organization receives 10% of its share of undesignated funds. 1. Each Member will report hours by completing the 2024 tracking document provided by EarthShare NC. 2. The Member Committee will use the Participation Hours Tracking to conduct the Annual Member Participation Review in February and determine the portion of the undesignated share earned. 3. Member should ensure that activities reported are eligible to count towards its Participation Hours Requirement. 4. Members short on hours can contact EarthShare NC to discuss if there are opportunities to complete the requirement. Upload your 2023 hours completed*Fill out the “actual hours” tab with your completed hours in the “2023 Member Participation Tracking” spreadsheet you submitted earlier in 2023 and upload here. If you need a copy of your spreadsheet, please email file size: 50 MB.Participation PlanSee the 2024 Participation Activities List link above to identify your Participation Hours needed for 2024. Use the 2024 Featured Activities document and the activity choices below in the form to determine the ways your organization will take part in the coalition’s work this year. REMINDER **all hours listed are estimates for those activities**Corporate Partner Program ActivitiesCorporate Earth Day Events Host a volunteer project (8 hours) Attend the Earth Day Mixer (2 hrs) Serve on the advisory committee (4 hrs) NC Climate Week Make a presentation for an event (3 hrs) Host an engagement opportunity (6 hrs) Collaborate on educational content for the climate course (4 hrs) Share existing educational content and action items/toolkits (1 hr) Serve on the Advisory Committee (1 hr/month starting January- 8 total) Environmental Education Training Center Create new educational content or engagement opportunity for the Environmental Justice and/or Water courses (8 hrs) Submit existing content or engagement opportunity for courses (1 hr) Collaborate on creating new course topics (4 hrs) Volunteer Match Host an volunteer project or series of projects (4 hrs/project) Green Team Round Table Make a presentation to and/or facilitate a discussion for a GTRT virtual meeting (3 hrs) Employee Giving & Program GrowthEmployee Giving Campaigns Submit a featured story for the Impact Report. (3 hrs) Promote your organization’s inclusion im employee giving campaigns through social media, newsletters, email signatures, and other platforms (EarthShare NC will provide graphics and templates). (1 hr) Marketing & Communications Share monthly content that highlights your work and impact that we can promote through our communication channels (2 hrs/content shared) Promote EarthShare NC membership, programs, events, and publications (2 hrs) Include the “Member of EarthShare NC” and our logo in your newsletter, email signature, and/or presentations (*inclusion on website is a Member expectation*) (1 hr) Introduce EarthShare NC to business prospects (2 hrs) EarthShare NC CoalitionEngagement and Development Invite EarthShare NC to make a presentation to your board (2 hrs) Serve on an EarthShare NC committee or task force (8 hrs) Serve on the EarthShare NC Board of Directors (24 hrs) Provide tickets to EarthShare NC to attend special events that will have corporate prospects in attendance (2 hrs) Attend the Triangle or Charlotte Corporate Partner reception (2 hrs)